Webgl Academy

WebGL academy has been developed in order to learn the basics of WebGL to 3D beginners. It is a simplified IDE with automatic indentation, syntax highlighting for HTML, Javascript, Python. You can run your code and download your project. It is based on Codemirror.

The courses are presented in a progressive way, always in connection with the code. Sometimes there are some development exercises. I teach 3D programming with WebGL in a French school of computer science engineering, and I use this tool for the basics. Then, students switch on Netbeans IDE / Apache server / Error console of the web browser and complete tutorials.

I offer training in WebGL programming, three.js, HTML5 and new web API (webRTC, webAudio, gamepad API...). Please contact me at contact@webglacademy.com for more informations.

I provide 3D web development services with my company, SPACEGOO. I have also written a framework agnostic book on webgl programming. It is in French. It is entitled Webgl : guide de développement d'applications web 3D .